10 Thoughts We All Have Before Taking a New Performance Class

Written by Tatiana Rodriguez

September 18, 2017

Theatre classes are a blast! They’re immersive, they’re entertaining, and a lot of the time they’re filled with a bunch of amazing people! But sometimes even the best classes can work up your nerves. If you’re about to take a new theatre class, here are 10 thoughts that have surely crossed your mind!

1. “I’m not entirely sure how to dress.”

2. “Maybe I should have taken that other class…”

3. “Should I stretch before it starts?”

4. “I feel like I’m not prepared!”

5. “Who are these people, and why are they all so good looking?”

6. “I can’t believe I came in so early.”

7. “Is that a student or the teacher?”

8. “I should try and look like I know what I’m doing.”

9. “Why am I so nervous?”

Tatiana Rodriguez is a student and a writer, currently studying at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she is working to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Theater, as well as a certificate in Multicultural Theater Practice. She is a stage manager, a playwright, and an aspiring director.
Thumbnail image from BroadwayStyleGuide.com.